Terms and Conditions
In order to secure a place on a course, an application form must be completed and submitted to Samiad Ltd or a recognised agent/partner. Following receipt of an application form, an offer letter will be sent to you confirming a place is available and highlighting the payment instructions including terms and conditions.
Places are awarded on a first come first served basis. To secure a place, a 50% deposit is the required.
ll fees must be paid in Pound Stirling (GBP £), and must be received, in full, at least 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the course.
Fees are not transferable to other students.
Samiad Ltd reserves the right to cancel or amend a course.
Cancellations and Refund Policy
All cancellations must be made in writing to Samiad Ltd. Refunds may be given upon receipt of the written cancellation. The refund criteria are based on the period of notice prior to the commencement of the course, as follows:
Notice given prior to arrival date | Cancellation Charge |
61+ days | £150 |
31 to 60 days | £400 |
15 to 30 days | 50% cost of the course |
0 to 14 days | 100% cost of the course |
After arrival date | 100% cost of the course |
Refund criteria detailed above relates to summer boarding school programmes only. Other programmes, throughout the year, may be subject to alternative cancellation charges.
All refunds will be paid directly to the account that payment was made, refunds will be made within 28 days of receiving written cancellation of the course.
In the case of a visa refusal, a refund will be given if cancellation is received in writing along with a visa refusal notice at least 2 weeks prior to the course commencement date. No refund will be given if cancellation is made with less than 2 weeks remaining until the course commences or if a visa rejection is based on student’s failure to meet the necessary criteria for their chosen visa category. All refunds based on the grounds of visa refusal will be minus a registration fee of £150.
It is your responsibility to check the visa requirements for entry into the UK and, if necessary, obtain an appropriate visa for your period of study. Information on visas can be found on the UK Home Office website: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk
Supporting documents required from Samiad will only be issued once payment has been made in full and all other required documentation has been received.
If you have not received your visa 2 weeks before the course commencement date, you must inform us so we can work with you to make any necessary arrangements.
If a student arrives at one of our centres without the correct visa, we are required by law to arrange for them to leave as soon as possible.
All decisions on visa applications made by the UK Home Office are final.
Course Rules
Samiad Summer School hopes that all participants have a thoroughly enjoyable visit to the UK. To ensure that all participants have a good experience with us, course rules have been set up to ensure the safety of all participants during the stay:
- Students are expected to attend all meals, classes and arranged activities and excursions.
- Students are responsible for keeping their rooms tidy and for making their own beds.
- All damage to property, equipment and rooms will be charged to the student.
- Gratuitous or wilful damage to school property, public property or other students’ property may result in dismissal from the course.
- Consumption or possession of alcohol by students of any age is not permitted.
- Drug-taking or possession of drugs will result in instant dismissal from the course.
- Smoking is not permitted in any of the school buildings or in the grounds of the school.
- Racist or intimidating behaviour towards another student or member of staff will result in dismissal from the course.
- In the boarding houses, girls and boys may only mix in the designated recreation areas.
- Any student who leaves their house after lights out may be dismissed from the course.
- Personal mobile phones must be turned off during all lessons and scheduled activities.
Promotional Materials
Occasionally on Samiad courses a professional photographer will be taking promotional photographs and videos for use during marketing future courses. Parents can choose to opt out of any promotional photography of their children by ticking the relevant box on the application form.
Travel Arrangements
You must submit travel details as early as possible. If travel details are not provided at least 1 week before arrival, we cannot guarantee the student will be collected from the airport by Samiad staff. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee for late submission of travel details.
Airport transfers are available, please check our website for the latest prices. A transfer confirmation will be sent after receiving your travel details and relevant payment.
Some airlines do not allow children under the age of 16 years to travel without an adult. You must check current guidelines before booking any flights.
If you choose to make your own travel arrangements and arrive at the centre directly, please inform us of your intended arrival time. On arrival, students must hand in their passports, airline tickets, pocket money (or travellers’ cheques) and any medication to the course office.
If a student leaves before the end of the period of study and requires a departure transfer, we will arrange the transfer to the student’s departure point for an additional fee.
Should a student’s departure at the end of the period of study be delayed due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, Samiad will continue to offer full board accommodation and supervision until departure can be arranged by the student’s parent or guardian. For each additional night Samiad will charge £100 in addition to any transfer fees.
All students must have insurance before they arrive at the Samiad Summer School to cover such possible eventualities as medical expenses, loss of luggage, cancelled or delayed flights.
Samiad offers insurance for an additional fee of £10 per week. Details can be found here.
You must inform us of any medical or dietary requirements that may affect the student’s ability to participate in the course before the course starts. Any student arriving with a serious medical condition not previously reported, which requires regular staff supervision, may be sent home with no refund of fees.
Students must hand in any medication they bring with them to course staff on arrival. Medicines will be administered under supervision by course staff.
In case of a medical emergency, if the student’s parents/guardians cannot be contacted, Samiad will act in loco parentis and will arrange for a doctor to give any medical treatment considered necessary, as well as authorise the administration of an anaesthetic and operation.
Complaint’s Procedure
All complaints will be responded to within 5 working days of receipt of the original complaint.
Complaints are split into the following areas; pre course, during course and post course.
Pre course and post course complaints should be directed to your admissions advisor for customers, or your account manager for agents and partners. If you feel a reasonable solution has not been made, your complaint will be escalated to a manager within the division. If you are still not satisfied by the response, your complaint will be passed to a Samiad director.
Complaints made during a course should be directed to a member of staff or directly to the site manager. All complaints will then be passed to the site manager who will, wherever possible, come to a satisfactory solution for all parties. Should you feel that your complaint has not been handled satisfactorily, your complaint will be escalated to a Samiad director.
Samiad does not promise that the web site will be without error, free from interruption.
Samiad. does not promise that the web site’s images and descriptions of products and services are at any time an exact reflection or presentation of the products and services offered by or available at Samad Summer School. The web site and its content are subject to change without prior notice. Samiad disclaims all liabilities or warranties, express or implied, based on any differences of any kind between the descriptions of products and services on the web site and the actual features of products and services offered by or available at Samiad Summer School.
In particular, the services and operation of sports and leisure facilities at Samiad as well as other facilities used as part of our schedule of excursions can change depending on weather conditions and other unforeseen circumstances.
Changes to the Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions may be amended from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on this page.
The effective date of these Terms and Conditions is 22nd February 2024.